Source code for salmon.utils

Mostly utility functions Salmon uses internally that don't
really belong anywhere else in the modules.  This module
is kind of a dumping ground, so if you find something that
can be improved feel free to work up a patch.
from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals

import imp
import importlib
import logging
import os
import sys

    import daemon  # daemon unavailable on Windows
    from daemon import pidlockfile
except ImportError:
    from lockfile import pidlockfile

from salmon import server, routing

settings = None

[docs]def import_settings(boot_also, boot_module="config.boot"): """Returns the current settings module, there is no harm in calling it multiple times The location of the settings module can be control via ``SALMON_SETTINGS_MODULE``""" global settings if settings is None: settings_module = os.getenv("SALMON_SETTINGS_MODULE", "config.settings") settings = importlib.import_module(settings_module) if boot_also: importlib.import_module(boot_module) return settings
[docs]def daemonize(pid, chdir, chroot, umask, files_preserve=None, do_open=True): """ Uses python-daemonize to do all the junk needed to make a server a server. It supports all the features daemonize has, except that chroot probably won't work at all without some serious configuration on the system. """ context = daemon.DaemonContext() context.pidfile = pidlockfile.PIDLockFile(pid) context.stdout = open(os.path.join(chdir, "logs/salmon.out"), "a+") context.stderr = open(os.path.join(chdir, "logs/salmon.err"), "a+") context.files_preserve = files_preserve or [] context.working_directory = os.path.expanduser(chdir) if chroot: context.chroot_directory = os.path.expanduser(chroot) if umask is not False: context.umask = umask if do_open: return context
[docs]def drop_priv(uid, gid): """ Changes the uid/gid to the two given, you should give utils.daemonize 0,0 for the uid,gid so that it becomes root, which will allow you to then do this. """ logging.debug("Dropping to uid=%d, gid=%d", uid, gid) daemon.daemon.change_process_owner(uid, gid) logging.debug("Now running as uid=%d, gid=%d", os.getgid(), os.getuid())
[docs]def make_fake_settings(host, port): """ When running as a logging server we need a fake settings module to work with since the logging server can be run in any directory, so there may not be a settings module to import. """ global settings if settings is None: logging.basicConfig(filename="logs/logger.log", level=logging.DEBUG) routing.Router.load(['salmon.handlers.log', 'salmon.handlers.queue']) settings = imp.new_module('settings') settings.receiver = server.SMTPReceiver(host, port) settings.relay = None"Logging mode enabled, will not send email to anyone, just log.") return settings
[docs]def check_for_pid(pid, force): """Checks if a pid file is there, and if it is sys.exit. If force given then it will remove the file and not exit if it's there.""" if os.path.exists(pid): if not force: print("PID file %s exists, so assuming Salmon is running. Give --force to force it to start." % pid) sys.exit(1) else: os.unlink(pid)
[docs]def start_server(pid, force, chroot, chdir, uid, gid, umask, settings_loader, debug, daemon_proc): """ Starts the server by doing a daemonize and then dropping priv accordingly. It will only drop to the uid/gid given if both are given. """ check_for_pid(pid, force) if not debug and daemon_proc: daemonize(pid, chdir, chroot, umask, files_preserve=[]) sys.path.append(os.getcwd()) settings = settings_loader() if uid and gid: drop_priv(uid, gid) elif uid or gid: logging.warning("You probably meant to give a uid and gid, but you gave: uid=%r, gid=%r. " "Will not change to any user.", uid, gid) settings.receiver.start() if debug: print("Salmon started in debug mode. ctrl-c to quit...") import time try: while True: time.sleep(100000) except KeyboardInterrupt: # hard quit, since receiver starts a new thread. dirty but works os._exit(1)